GJournal (hopefully) final patches.
R. B. Riddick
arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 10 20:00:15 UTC 2006
--- Craig Boston <craig at xfoil.gank.org> wrote:
> sbin/geom/class/journal/geom_journal.c:
> if (jsize == -1) {
> /*
> * No journal size specified. 1GB should be safe
> * default.
> */
> jsize = 1073741824ULL;
> }
> msize = g_get_mediasize(data);
> ssize = g_get_sectorsize(data);
> if (jsize + ssize >= msize) {
> gctl_error(req, "Provider too small for journalling.
> "
> "You can try smaller jsize (default is %jd).",
> jsize);
> return;
The gctl_error message shall be rewritten:
It should be:
"You can try smaller journal size (%jd too large).",
since "default" implies for me 1GB, while it might well be, that somebody chose
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