nfs4 on FreeBSD

Doug Rabson dfr at
Wed Oct 12 07:44:40 PDT 2005

On 12 Oct 2005, at 15:36, Robert Watson wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Doug Rabson wrote:
>>> i'm beginning to look at the FreeBSD NFS client to think about  
>>> how to finish the nascent NFSv4 and RPCGSS implementation.  it's  
>>> a slow start though.
>> I have a working userland RPCSEC_GSS implementation which follows  
>> the Solaris api for gss-specific extensions to the RPC api (e.g.  
>> rpc_gcc_get_mechanisms(), rpc_gss_set_svc_name(), rpc_gss_getcred 
>> () etc.).
>> I also have a working GSSAPI redirector which allows the use of  
>> multiple GSSAPI mechanisms, such as SPKEY which is required by the  
>> spec. It even includes an almost complete set of manpages culled  
>> from the RFC.
> Are any of you planning at being at EuroBSDCon?  What with a  
> FreeBSD developer summit happening about the same time, it would  
> make sense to get NFSv4-interested people in one place.

I'm afraid not - I'm limiting myself to one conference a year (since  
I'm paying out of my own pocket) and this year was Usenix.

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