panic again

Pavel Merdine freebsd-fs at
Thu Oct 28 08:00:44 PDT 2004

Hello ,

Wednesday, October 27, 2004, 8:48:05 PM, you wrote:


> This appears to be the code from FreeBSD 4.x, which does not have the
> background fsck feature, so any unclean file systems must be fsck'ed
> before they are mounted.  This does not depend on whether or not
> softupdates is enabled.  Softupdates in FreeBSD 4.x is primarily just
> enhances file system write performance.

That should have been written in docs several years ago :) .
We though we had full softupdates support and never looked at the
sources to confirm that.

> Background fsck also requires the file system to have a snapshot
> ...
> This code permits the file system to be mounted even if it is unclean as
> long as softupdates is enabled.

Thanks a lot for the explanation.
Unfortunately, 5.x is not stable enough now for production use.
And  again,  there  is no guarantee that a panic will not occur before
the check is done.

Can  I  ask  you,  is  there  a filesystem that could be considered as
substitution of FFS in FreeBSD for better reliability and performance.
I mean in terms of compatibility and license.

BTW,  please fix a bug in dirpref(), it should use 64-bit counters. At
least, make sure it does not divide by zero. You can find the details

/ Pavel Merdine

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