mount_nullfs troubles on preloaded md

Sergei Mozhaisky technix at
Tue Jun 1 11:30:12 PDT 2004

Hello everyone.

FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE with GENERIC kernel.
I've made my own mfsroot and put into /sbin all requred files,
among them: mount, mount_cd9660, mdmfs, mount_mfs and mount_nullfs.
System booting from CD, then mounting md0 and root FS image.
But I have a problem with mount_nullfs:

# mount
/dev/md0 on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/acd0 on /Frenzy/cd (cd9660, local, read-only)
/dev/md7.ugz on /Frenzy/fs (ufs, local, read-only)
# mount_nullfs /Frenzy/fs/bin /bin
mount_nullfs: Operation not supported by device
# mount_nullfs /bin /Frenzy/fs/bin
mount_nullfs: No such file or directory
# mount_nullfs /Frenzy/cd/boot /boot
mount_nullfs: Operation not supported by device
# mount_nullfs /boot /Frenzy/cd/boot
mount_nullfs: No such file or directory

With mount_unionfs got the same trouble.

Then I've compiled mount_wrapfs (tool like mount_nullfs) from 'FIST'
project ( and tried
to do the same operation. Directories mounted OK. But when I trying to
access these directories wia 'ls' (echo works OK), I've got kernel
panic or message "Debug: root vnode is locked" and kernel panic again.

Any suggestions?


Best regards,
Mozhaisky Sergei (techniX)  [ ]

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