A reliable port cross-build failure (hangup) in my context (amd64->armv7 cross build, with native-tool speedup involved)

Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 22 20:55:15 UTC 2018

[I found my E-mail records reporting successful builds using
qemu-user-static from ports head -r484783 under FreeBSD
head -r340287.]

On 2018-Dec-22, at 00:10, Mark Millard <marklmi at yahoo.com> wrote:

> [I messed up the freebsd-emulation email address the first time I sent
> this. I also forgot to indicate the qemu-user-static vintage relationship.]
> I had been reporting intermittent hang-ups for my amd64->{aarch64,armv7} port cross
> builds in another message sequence. But it turns out that one thing I ran into
> has hung-up every time, the same way, for amd64->armv7 cross builds:
> multimedia/gstreamer1-qt at qt5 . So I extract the material here into a separate report
> with some updated notes.
> A little context: I had built from ports head -r484783 before under FreeBSD head
> -r340287 (as I remember the version). Back then it did not have this problem that it
> now has under FreeBSD head -r341836 . One ports-specific change was to force perl5.28
> as the default instead of perl5.26 originally. In fact this is what drives what is
> being rebuilt for my experiment that caught this. But I doubt the perl version is
> important to the problem. The context has a Ryzen Threadripper 1950X and has been
> tested both for FreeBSD under Hyper-V and for the same media native-booted. Both
> hang-up at the same point as seen via ps or top. The native tools for cross-build
> speedup were in use. Cross-builds targeting aarch64 did not get this problem but
> targeting armv7 did. 121 of 129 armv7 ports built before the hang-up for the first
> armv7 try.
> ADDED: The qemu-user-static back with head -r340287 before installing the
> updated ports would likely be different than the -r484783 vintage. So both
> FreeBSD and qemu-user-static may have changed over the comparison.

CORRECTION to ADDED: Back on 2018-Nov-11 I reported successful cross-builds
based on qemu-user-static from ports head -484783 --all built under FreeBSD
head -r340287 . So the use of the perl5.28 as the forced-default and the
newer FreeBSD head version -r341836 as the context are the differences here.

> The hang-up:
> In the port rebuilds targeting armv7, multimedia/gstreamer1-qt at qt5 hung-up and timed
> out. Looking during the wait in later tries shows something much like (from one of the
> examples):
> root       33719    0.0  0.0  12920  3528  0  I    11:40       0:00.03 | |           `-- sh: poudriere[FBSDFSSDjailArmV7-default][02]: build_pkg (gstreamer1-qt5-1.2.0_14) (sh)
> root       41551    0.0  0.0  12920  3520  0  I    11:43       0:00.00 | |             `-- sh: poudriere[FBSDFSSDjailArmV7-default][02]: build_pkg (gstreamer1-qt5-1.2.0_14) (sh)
> root       41552    0.0  0.0  10340  1744  0  IJ   11:43       0:00.01 | |               `-- /usr/bin/make -C /usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt FLAVOR=qt5 build
> root       41566    0.0  0.0  10236  1796  0  IJ   11:43       0:00.00 | |                 `-- /bin/sh -e -c (cd /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build; if ! /usr/bin/env QT_SELE
> root       41567    0.0  0.0  89976 12896  0  IJ   11:43       0:00.07 | |                   `-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static ninja -j28 -v all
> root       41585    0.0  0.0 102848 25056  0  IJ   11:43       0:00.10 | |                     |-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/g
> root       41586    0.0  0.0 102852 25072  0  IJ   11:43       0:00.11 | |                     `-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/g
> or as top showed it:
> 41552 root          1  52    0    10M  1744K    0 wait    15   0:00   0.00% /usr/bin/make -C /usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt FLAVOR=qt5 build
> 41566 root          1  52    0    10M  1796K    0 wait     1   0:00   0.00% /bin/sh -e -c (cd /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build; if ! /usr/bin/env QT_SELECT=qt5 QMAKEMODULES
> 41567 root          2  52    0    88M    13M    0 select   4   0:00   0.00% /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static ninja -j28 -v all
> 41585 root          2  52    0   100M    24M    0 kqread   8   0:00   0.00% /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.
> 41586 root          2  52    0   100M    24M    0 kqread  22   0:00   0.00% /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.
> So: waiting in kqread trying to run cmake.
> Unlike some intermittent hang-ups, attaching-then-detaching via gdb does not
> resume the hung-up processes. Kills of the processes waiting on kqread stop
> the build.
> Given the prior ports have been built already, building just
> multimedia/gstreamer1-qt at qt5 still gets the hang-up at the same point.
> Building anything that requires multimedia/gstreamer1-qt at qt5 seems to be
> solidly blocked in my environment.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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