files installed with wrong permissions

Hannes Hauswedell hannes.hauswedell at
Tue Jun 7 15:13:45 UTC 2016

Dear emulators,

just writing to let you know that the linux_base-c6(_64) port installs its 
files with the installing users umask. So if the umask is set to 077 than no-
one except root can use the port.
Usually the ports-system takes care of this via the install macros, but here 
apparently not...

Thanks for the porting efforts and looking forward to _64 on by default!
Hannes Hauswedell

PhD candidate
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics / Freie Universität Berlin

address     Institut für Informatik
            Takustraße 9
            Room 019
            14195 Berlin
telephone   +49 (0)30 838-75241
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e-mail      hannes.hauswedell@[|]

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