FreeBSD Port: emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions

Charlie Ross cross at
Mon Mar 9 17:39:53 UTC 2015

Hi port maintainers!

I am having problems with VirtualBox guest additions. I've had this 
issue on several different systems.

I'm running FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE as a guest under Windows 7 and 8 
systems. I have followed the instructions in the Handbook and on the 
wiki in regard to setting up guest additions; however, the shared 
clipboard does not work. Mouse pointer integration is working. Using 
"mount -t vboxsf FolderName /mountpoint" to mount shared folders does 
not appear to work, either.

Are these features implemented, or are there known bugs?



Charlie Ross
Wireless Communications, Inc.
Office: 540-227-2131
Cellular: 703-955-9112

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