Query about Virtualbox version.

muhammedzubair sharief mzs_47 at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jul 15 10:37:19 UTC 2015

Dear Maintainer,

I am using Virtualbox 4.3.28 on FreeBSD 10.1, during recent pkg upgrade it showed version 4.3.30. 

> pkg upgrade
Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
	virtualbox-ose-kmod: 4.3.28 -> 4.3.30
	virtualbox-ose: 4.3.28_1 -> 4.3.30

The process will require 14 KiB more space.
32 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: 

However there was no stable release of 4.3.30. Is this version 5 which was recently released?

Thanks for maintaining Virtualbox on FreeBSD!


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