FreeBSD 11 is "kernel panic"ing when a vbox' machine stops (or starts if package version)

Vinicius Abrahao vinnix.bsd at
Sat Apr 4 00:51:42 UTC 2015


I am testing some things in this environment. So i am happy
to announce that I find something that you may like:

I am using FreeBSD 11 as a host [r280928:GENERIC  amd64 ].
So in '-current'

Installed on it virtualbox 4.3.26 and tried to run a linux guest as
the virtual machine.

So, what is the trouble?

1) when I installed vbox from 'pkg install', the HOST machine
exits by KERNEL PANIC at the exactly time that I 'power up'
the guest machine.

2) when I installed vbox from 'make install', the HOST machine
exits by KERNEL PANIC at the exactly time that I 'power down'
the guest machine.

Here is the crash.txt that I dumped at the kernel panic prompt.

Obs.: all these tests are reproducible here in my environment. and
all times that i did the test, i also rebuild the kmod and reboot the

thank you in advance for your time,
best regards,

Vinícius Abrahão Bazana Schmidt

aka: Vinícius Abrahão Bazana Schmidt

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