FreeBSD Port: emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions

Charlie Ross charlie at
Thu Mar 27 20:58:34 UTC 2014


Running the latest version of VirtualBox (4.3.10 as well as 4.3.8) on
Windows 8.1 64-bit, clipboard integration does not seem to work with
FreeBSD guests using the virtualbox-ose-additions port (I am running
FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE x64 guests). I am unable to copy from or to FreeBSD
guests. Other aspects of the virtualbox-ose-additions port seem to be
working fine (for example, mouse pointer integration works well).
Clipboard integration is working fine on a Debian VM, so it appears to
be a specific problem with FreeBSD.

The clipboard issue is causing me extreme frustration, and I simply
don't know enough to fix it myself.

If you are able to fix this problem and update this port, or tell me how
I might fix it successfully, I will offer a bounty of 2 Litecoins (LTC)
-- or the equivalent in Bitcoins (BTC) paid either directly to you or
the FreeBSD foundation.


Charlie Ross

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