about gsoc 2014

Bernhard Fröhlich decke at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 18 07:21:22 UTC 2014

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:50 AM, Junyuan Zeng <jzeng at utdallas.edu> wrote:
> Hi Bernhard
> I am Junyuan Zeng, a fourth year PhD student at The University of Texas at Dallas. I am pretty interested on the project that you lead.
> I am very good at C programming and have advanced knowledge about visualization and vfs in Linux Kernel.
> I have some experience about Virtulbox. I am implementing a mechanism on Virtualbox for fast transferring files between guest OS and host OS now.
> We have implemented this mechanism in KVM and it's at least 5X-10X faster than drag 'n' drop in Virtualbox. Basically, we redirect the system call from
> host OS to guest OS. We can talk more about it if you have interests.
> If let me implement the "VirtualBox shared folder support for FreeBSD guests", I will take a look at the source code in folder VirtualBox-4.3.8/src/VBox/Additions/linux/sharedfolders, which
> implement the guest driver for shared folder. Based on that, I will implement a freebsd version of guest driver. Do you think it's a good way to go?
> Thanks!

Hi Junyuan,

Thanks for your interest in the VirtualBox Shared Folders GSoC
project! This project
was already part of GSoC last year but it's still unfinished. In the
meantime lwhsu@
has continued on the result of that and he is the better technical
contact right now.

The current work can be seen on github:


and I forward you the most recent mail from him which should give an
idea of what
work remaining to do. We would be very glad if someone takes that GSoC task
but it requires more bugfixing and adding read/write support than implementing
new code.

I have also CC'd a bunch of people that are currently involved in that
task to keep
them informed.

Looking forward to a great GSoC 2014 :o)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at freebsd.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [GSoc] interested in "VirtualBox shared folder support
for FreeBSD guests"
To: waleed ziad <wela64waleed at gmail.com>
Cc: Bernhard Fröhlich <decke at freebsd.org>,
"freebsd-emulation at freebsd.org" <freebsd-emulation at freebsd.org>,
Oleksandr Dudinskyi <dudinskyj at gmail.com>, Daniel Lorch
<dlorch at gmail.com>

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 19:47:53 +0200, waleed ziad wrote:
> Thanks a lot Mr.Bernhard Fröhlich for your care and reply i contacted him .
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Bernhard Fröhlich <decke at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:31 AM, waleed ziad <wela64waleed at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hello all, i am a student from Cairo , Egypt and i was hoping to
> >> participate at Google summer of code this year in FreeBSD organization
> >> i am interested in " VirtualBox shared folder support for FreeBSD
> >> guests" and i was hoping someone Could someone suggest the first steps
> >> I should take to understand the project better or any issues(or bugs)
> >> that I can look into ? and any skills i should acquire ? , thank all
> >> in advance .
> >
> > Thanks for your interest! The project was part of GSoC last year already and
> > Oleksandr did make good progress with it but hasn't got it fully
> > working. Li-Wen Hsu
> > took over his work and fixed a few things and also put it on github:
> >
> > https://github.com/lwhsu/freebsd-vboxfs
> >
> > So right now the best technical contact is Li-Wen Hsu and I guess he
> > can also tell
> > you what is blocking progress right now and if it's still a viable GSoC project.

Sorry for the late reply, as Bernhard said, the current status is blocked
because it seems that I need to get familiar with our virtual memory
subsystem and how it interacts with VirtualBox's HGCM to make progress.
I'm trying to squeeze more time on this.

The README on https://github.com/lwhsu/freebsd-vboxfs is still valid for 4.3.8,
you can follow the instruction to setup the environment, kldload
vboxguest.ko and vboxvfs.ko .  However, mount_vboxfs still cannot work
because vboxCallMapFolder() returns error.

If digging this deeper, we can find that the call ends up in

(in VirtualBox-4.3.8/src/VBox/Runtime/r0drv/freebsd/memobj-r0drv-freebsd.c)

while doing:

    rc = vm_map_wire(pVmMap,          /* the map */
                     AddrStart,       /* start */
                     AddrStart + cb,  /* end */
                     fFlags);         /* flags */

the vm_map_wire(9) (in /sys/vm/vm_map.c) always returns KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS
when getting false with vm_map_lookup_entry(9) at the beginning.

That's my current status.  Any help on this is welcomed.

Add Daniel Lorch into CC list since he's also working on this.


Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at FreeBSD.org>

Bernhard Froehlich

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