[Call for Testers] VirtualBox 4.3.0

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Tue Aug 5 06:11:20 UTC 2014

El día Monday, August 04, 2014 a las 09:19:37PM +0200, Bernhard Fröhlich escribió:

>    No, this kind of issue exists because there is some kind of include
>    list for functions used by the kernel modules. The list is per OS and
>    updated manually and vbox developers tend to miss entries for FreeBSD.
>    Adding the filename to the list is simple and we usually create a
>    simple patch for it which we sure did in the following cft and it might
>    still be in the virtualbox-ose port if it wasn't yet included upstream.

The fix (changing some C source) was included in some patches you have sent:

  [vbox-dev] [PATCH] Various fixes for FreeBSD
  Bernhard Fröhlich Mon, 11 Nov 2013 08:36:03 -0800
  Hi guys,
  I am sending most of our patches that we collected during the last
  months and especially
  during the 4.3 development period. I am sorry that we did not manage
  to send them right
  on time before 4.3.0 but I hope we can do better in the future.

>    After all this is wasting your time and now even mine so please try to
>    use packages or a newer portstree. This is a dead end.

Thanks for your time. I will try if 4.3.0 solves the problem I see with
4.2.18 (mouse buttons are not working in guest) and if not I will work
for the moment without mouse-integration. And I will start a new VM with
the actual /usr/src and portstree.

Thanks again for your helping hand.

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