[Call for Testers] VirtualBox 4.3.0

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Mon Aug 4 19:03:12 UTC 2014

El día Monday, August 04, 2014 a las 07:23:31PM +0200, Bernhard Fröhlich escribió:

>    > i.e. RTMpGetCoreCount-generic.cpp was compiled but somehow not
>    included
>    > in the kernel module?
>    >
>    > Â  Â  Â  Â  matthias
>    Have a look at the patches in virtualbox-ose for that function. There
>    should be a patch to add it to the kmod. You are just replicating
>    issues that were fixed already.

Thanks in any case for reading this and answering. I know that 4.3.0 is
outdated. But even if outdated, I do not fully understand this: it means
that the virtualbox-ose-application was never loaded into the kernel, or
am I wrong?

I will see how to fix this is the Makefile of its kmod.

Thx again

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