removing old linux ports

René Ladan r.c.ladan at
Mon Mar 4 14:11:35 UTC 2013

On 03/04/13 13:36, René Ladan wrote:
> Hi,
> since FreeBSD 7.X has reached its end of life, I plan to remove the
> expired Linux ports for the old Linuxolator (depending on INDEX build
> results) after an official annoucement that 7.X has expired has been
> sent.  From
> :
[snip ports]
> - office@ textproc/linux-aspell

[snip more ports]

Removing textproc/linux-aspell resulted in a broken portsnap build,
which might mean it is still building for 7.X.  I'll also write a patch
to remove 7.X support from and


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