doscmd dies "booting"

Mikhail T. mi+thun at
Sat Aug 17 19:22:22 UTC 2013


I'm trying to get doscmd going on FreeBSD-9.1/i386. It is an old
Pentium3 laptop. Whatever I do -- and I reduced my /etc/doscmdrc file to
just the two lines below:

    boot    A:
    #assign A: -ro  /home/mi/boot98sc.IMA 1440
    #assign A: -ro  /home/mi/winb600.IMA 1440
    assign  A: -ro  /home/mi/winb500.IMA 1440
    #assign B:      /dev/fd0        1440
    #assign C:      /home/mi

-- the program crashes with SIGBUS promptly upon opening its X11-window:

    % doscmd -b -x

    ax=f7ec bx=c638 cx=0040 dx=ae7c
    si=aa7c di=0100 sp=a5e0 bp=a5f8
    cs=0033 ss=003b ds=003b es=003b
    ip=6f52 eflags=10212
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    addb   %al,(%bx+%si)
    SIGBUS code 3, trapno: 9, err: 0

I tried compiling with "-O0 -g" -- and without any march-flags -- which
did not change a thing. I downloaded the boot-images from
<> -- and am currently trying to use
the DOS-5.0 image:

    -rw-r--r--  1 mi  wheel  1474560 Nov 18  1999 /home/mi/winb500.IMA

Running with just the -b option (no -x), I get the program spinning --
eating up all CPU -- but never saying anything... Pressing Ctrl-T
results in: "Currently in the emulator" message. No crashes, but nothing
useful either.

Are there known problems? What am I missing? Please, advise. Thanks!


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