Oracle's VirtualBox kernel module labelled 'crap'

Greg Byshenk freebsd at
Wed Oct 12 20:10:00 UTC 2011

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:38:31PM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> I've been using VirtualBox on FreeBSD (and Windows) for about a year. No 
> problems on either platform. Even though my FreeBSD platform, my laptop, 
> doesn't support SVM, I've had no problems and had only one hang on my dual 
> core AMD system at home (may have been memory related). Check out the 
> following article.
> p/
> Have people had problems under FreeBSD or is this a Linux-only issue?

This looks like it -is- a Linux issue, as it's related to the 
Virtualbox Linux kernel module.

I've used Virtualbox for FreeBSD quite a bit over the last year or
so, and haven't personally seen any significant problems. 

greg byshenk  -  gbyshenk at  -  Leiden, NL

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