Network problems while running VirtualBox

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Jul 14 01:25:53 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Peter Ross
<Peter.Ross at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a problem with the network while running VirtualBox.
> As soon as I _run_ a VirtualBox I am not able to copy large files (e.g.
> virtual disks or ZFS snapshots) using ssh/scp to another machine.
> The ssh crashes with "Write failed: Cannot allocate memory"
> <snip>
> At the moment it is a real showstopper for running VirtualBox/FreeBSD
> production because I cannot backup VirtualBoxes. Mahlon gave up on it and
> uses Citrix by now (but is still keen to have this solved).
> Any idea what causes the problem? I am happy to gather information,
> applying patches etc. if it helps.

Just a thought, does using ssh from ports make any difference?  Do you have
any more info about the threshold of file size for when this problem starts
occurring?  is it always the same?  EG if Vbox has 2 GB mapped out and you
get an error at a certain file size, does reducing the Vbox memory footprint
allow a larger file to be successfully sent?

Adam Vande More

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