virtualbox on FreeBSD 8.2

Rusty Nejdl rnejdl at
Thu Aug 25 20:59:57 UTC 2011

On 25.08.2011 15:55, wynkoop at wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Bernhard Froehlich wrote:
>> >> Should the virtualbox port Makefile set BROKEN if Python threads 
>> are missing?
>> >
>> > No. This is a port option that is enabled per default. Modifying 
>> port
>> > options is always on your own risk and the general rule is that 
>> ports
>> > don't check that.
>> One of the functions of a port is to make sure the requirements are 
>> in
>> place, or fail gracefully if they aren't.  But I understand what you
>> are saying, and don't know if there's a good way to do this anyway.
> Greeting-
> I am rebuilding now and will let everyone know if it works now that 
> python
> is built with threads.
> I think that if the port needs python threads it should SAY 
> I spent a month on this before asking for help.  Now maybe I should 
> not
> have spent so much time, but the net is full of posts in various 
> places
> about virtualbox not building, so I wanted to run down the already 
> ASKED and
> ANSWERED before bothering people.
> I have seen other ports fail if a pre-req was not built according to 
> the
> ports liking.  I do not know how it is done, but I know it can be 
> done.
> Thanks everyone and I will post my results when my build is done.
> -Brett
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I was building a port that depended on threaded perl and used code like 

.if exists(${PERL})
PERL_THREADS!=  ${PERL} -V::usethreads
.if ${PERL_THREADS}!="'define';"
IGNORE=         needs a threaded Perl, build with WITH_THREADS=yes flag 
and try again
IGNORE=         needs an existing installation of Perl built with 

Perhaps you could use something similar?

Rusty Nejdl

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