CFT: vdfuse port (was: Re: Mounting VirtualBox vdi files [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED])

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Sep 14 19:21:28 UTC 2010

On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Warren Block wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Sep 2010, Juergen Lock wrote:
>>> Dumping the partitions of that FreeBSD system worked just now.  Not what
>>> I'd call a thorough test, but it did read everything in the filesystem
>>> without problems.
>> Ok that sounds promising...  Someone want to do more tests or should I
>> just commit the port? :)
> Testing writes has not been as successful.  fdisk and bsdlabel work fine, as 
> does writing individual files.  But trying to restore onto a vdfuse/mdconfig 
> partition just goes away.  The machine is idle, restore waits in wdrain, and 
> further access to that device does not respond.  I think I saw fuse in a 
> fuse_msg state, but can't verify that now.

Further information: copying a single file onto the mounted filesystem 
works.  More than one, with restore or just cp, and vdfuse and the 
copying process go to wdrain forever.

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