Android SDK with the linuxolator?

Gary Jennejohn gljennjohn at
Fri Jun 18 14:53:47 UTC 2010

On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:38:17 +0200 (CEST)
Oliver Fromme <olli at> wrote:

> A few weeks ago I bought a new Android smartphone (it's a
> Nexus One from HTC/Google), and I would like to explore
> the possibilities of writing my own apps, or at least
> try to modify existing open source apps to better suit
> my needs.
> Has anyone tried to use the Android SDK (for Linux) with
> FreeBSD's linuxolator?  Does it work?  In particular,
> does the USB tool work with FreeBSD 8.x?

I installed the SDK a few months ago under SUSE-11 and had to update a
slew of libraries and apps (including java) to do it.  I greatly
doubt that the linuxulator is in a state where it will work.

Gary Jennejohn

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