Can VBox use "vrdp" ?

Mario Lobo lobo at
Mon Jun 7 00:54:10 UTC 2010

On Monday 07 June 2010 00:19:06 zaxis wrote:
> In linux,
> start:
> VBoxManage startvm winxp -type vrdp
> connect:
> rdesktop localhost:3389 -g 1440x875 -D -N -k en-us -r sound:remote
> However, it seems i canot use vrdp in freebsd ?
> -----
> e^(π⋅i) + 1 = 0

There is no vrdp on the FreeBSD port, BUT there is VNC !!


Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 3.2.2
(C) 2008-2010 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

   -s, -startvm, --startvm <name|uuid>   Start given VM (required argument)
   -n, --vnc                             Enable the built in VNC server
   -m, --vncport <port>                  TCP port number to use for the VNC
   -o, --vncpass <pw>                    Set the VNC server password
   -c, -capture, --capture               Record the VM screen output to a file
   -w, --width                           Frame width when recording
   -h, --height                          Frame height when recording
   -r, --bitrate                         Recording bit rate when recording
   -f, --filename                        File name when recording.  The codec
                                         used will be chosen based on the
                                         file extension


VBoxHeadless -s VM_NAME -n -m 5100 

will start the VM "VM_NAME" with a VNC listener at port 5100

So any vnc viewer will connect to it.

Very simple and easy !

Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99% winfoes FREE)

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