Award Notification
ukmail at
Tue Jun 1 09:12:48 UTC 2010
My associate has helped me to send your first
payment of US$7,500 to you as instructed by
Mr.David Cameron the British prime
minister after the last G20 meeting that was
held on April 2nd in London, making you one
of the beneficiaries.
Here are the details of the $ USD 7500.00
your first payment.Money Transfer Control
Number (MTCN): 3267068390
Complete payment informations like MTCN
(Money Transfer Control Number),Text
questions and Answer will be disclosed to you
as soon as we receive identification from
you. I told him to keep sending you US$7,500
twice a week until the FULL payment of (US
$360,000.00 Dollars) is completed
within 6 (six) Months. For track,send your
full name and phone contact via email to
Name : Mr. Gary Moore
Tel: +44 702 402 6612.
E-mail: western_uniondept at
Chris Stone
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