[PATCH] VirtualBox headless VNC support by LibVNCServer
Gustau Pérez
gperez at entel.upc.edu
Mon Feb 1 12:55:53 UTC 2010
En/na Hubert Tournier ha escrit:
> Hello,
> Daniel O'Connor-3 wrote:
>>>> Is there any prospect of being able to build the VNC server
>>>> extension in parallel with X11/QT4?
>>> There might not be problem. I'm not using X11. That is all of the
>>> reason.
>> Ahh.. I think that the VNC option is orthogonal to X11.
>> IMO it should probably be installed unconditionally as it is only a very
>> minor code increase which makes the headless server much, much more
>> useful.
> Yes, apart from the port makefile patch, the VNC option is perfectly
> "orthogonal" to X11/QT4.
> I made an integrated copy of virtualbox-ose port with Daisuke's patches,
> called virtualbox-ose-vnc, adding libvncserver as a lib dependency.
> In order to use it :
> # pkg_delete virtualbox-ose
> # cd /usr/ports/emulators
> # tar vxyf
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p27396532/virtualbox-ose-vnc.3.1.2_1.tar.bz2
> virtualbox-ose-vnc.3.1.2_1.tar.bz2
> # cd virtualbox-ose-vnc
> # make install clean
> You can select any combination of options with it (X11 if you want to have
> the "VBoxSDL" binary, QT4 if you want to have the "VirtualBox" binary). I
> tested it with X11 and VNC Free Edition Stand-alone Viewer.
> If possible, it would be great to have Daisuke's patches integrated into the
> mainstream port.
> Best regards,
> Hubert
I tried the modified port. If works fine to some extend. I checked the
patches in the files dir and I saw this :
+ " -v, -vnc, --vnc on|off Enable
(default) or disa
ble the VNC Server\n"
+ " -a, -vncaddress, --vncaddress <ip> IP address
the VNC serve
r will bind to\n"
+ " -p, -vncport, --vncport <port> Port number
the VNC serv
er will bind to\n"
+ " -k, -vnckeymap, --vnckeymap <keymap> Keyboard
mapfile (defaul
t: builtin US)\n"
+ " -S, -vncsecret, --vncsecret <secret> VNC
Authentication secre
+#endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBVNC */
The modified file should be :
But when starting a vm with VBoxManage, i can't see those startvm's
options. Moreover, my ${wrksrcdir}/LocalConfig.kmk contains this :
That should trigger that options. But it doesn't. So you can only
have one vm with the vnc-server, can not have a second vm with vnc
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