[Call For Testing] VirtualBox for FreeBSD! take 4
Daniel O'Connor
doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Thu May 28 03:34:21 UTC 2009
On Wed, 27 May 2009, Martin Wilke wrote:
> First of all sorry for all unanswered mails, I got a stupid flu,
> but now i feel better... ok now back to vbox, time for a new call
> for testing :-)
> Following was added/fixed:
> - ACPI Support was added
> - hostDVD support was added
> - Fix startup on HEAD
> - Plist problem under AMD64 was fixed
> - Qt4 Frontend is now Optional
> - Desktop file was added
> - Xorg dependencies was fixed
> - Guest additions was added (thx to Maho NAKATA <chat95 (at) mac dot
> com>)
Nice :)
It works for me on -current/i386 (but they have all done so) however it
did crash after I started the new VBox (I unloaded the old KLD, loaded
the new one, start VM -> crash). Unfortunately X was running so it just
reset with no crash dump.
However the guest addition stuff didn't work properly for me..
I ran make config and selected it, vbox built, but at install time I
/bin/chmod 0711 /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VBoxSVC
/bin/chmod 0711 /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VBoxXPCOMIPCD
install -o root -g wheel -m
444 /usr/ports/distfiles/VBoxGuestAdditions_2.2.2.iso /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/
install: /usr/ports/distfiles/VBoxGuestAdditions_2.2.2.iso: No such file
or directory
*** Error code 71
Stop in /usr/home/darius/projects/virtualbox.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/home/darius/projects/virtualbox.
and that file is missing, if I do make fetch it doesn't download it
If I do make fetch WITH_GUESTADDITIONS= it does download it.
> Open task:
> We have got 2 patches for nls support and the request
> to make dbus and pulseaudio optional. These both will
> be added with the next run.
> We'd like to say many many thanks for all your feedback.
> http://people.freebsd.org/~miwi/vbox/virtualbox_5.tgz
Are there plans (or patches :) for adding other types of network
support? NAT is usable but without the ability to forward ports it
makes logging in via SSH rather tedious (ie log out from the VM with -R
then log back in).
Thanks for your work thus far, it's a very handy tool :)
Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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