linux_base on 7-Stable for linux-oracle-instantclient?

Scott T. Hildreth shildret at
Tue Jul 21 16:17:29 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 16:50 -0700, Chris Timmons wrote:
> Would anyone care to suggest an appropriate linux_base port for supporting 
> the linux-oracle-instantclient port(s)?
> In present-day 7-Stable are there grave caveats for forcing Linux 2.6 
> syscall compatibility to use one of the more recent -fc base systems?
> We are trying to get a reasonable Perl interface on FreeBSD into Oracle; 
> any other suggestions welcome.

  What exactly are you trying to do?  If you want to use DBD::Oracle a
  linux perl will be needed, basically you will need to install linux_dist-gentoo-stage3
  do a change root and compile perl, DBD::Oracle...etc.  You can always run
  a Proxyserver somewhere and use DBD::Proxy to connect to Oracle.

> Regards,
> -Chris
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