vmware3 on Acer Extensa 5220

EforeZZ eforezz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 04:40:31 PST 2009


The vmware3 port freezes Xorg server so I attempted to run it from
vncserver and here are only some of the errors I got on the console:

warning - setfeatures set transfer mode taskqueue timeout - completing
request directly
warning - setfeatures enable wcache taskqueue timeout - completing
request directly
warning - setfeatures enable rcache taskqueue timeout - completing
request directly
failure - test_unit_ready timed out
warning - set_multi taskqueue timeout - completing request directly
ad4 timeout - write_dma retrying
acd0 - failure unknown cmd (0x4a) timed out
bge0: 2 link states coalesced

It seems that vmware3 did something really bad..

Bad regards,

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