[qemu] raw_aio_remove: aio request not found!

Geoff Fritz gfritz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 13:50:46 UTC 2009

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 03:10:55PM +0300, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> I had two qemu crashes with the following diagnostics:
> raw_aio_remove: aio request not found!
> Unfortunately I wasn't able to obtain useful stack traces (no debug).
> qemu was started as:
> qemu-system-x86_64 -no-kqemu ...
> This is amd64 stable/7 system (without VFS_AIO), qemu-0.10.1_1.

I was having this exact same problem after a recent rebuild of my system.
Qemu was working just fine before the rebuild, but gave me that error after
the rebuild no matter what I tried.  It drove me crazy for several days, and
I was half-way through writing a message to this very list for help, when I
had an idea.

Turns out that I had added the few accounts I use on my worksatation in a
different order, so the file permissions on the restored VM images were not
writable by the user who was running qemu.  I ran chmod a few times and qemu
was happy again.

It may be a permissions problem.

-- Geoff

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