The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9

Sam Fourman Jr. sfourman at
Thu Oct 18 15:38:27 PDT 2007

On 10/18/07, Roman Divacky <rdivacky at> wrote:
> > > There was a report on -current a while ago that a preliminary patch
> > > to fix the non-threadsafeness of mmap(2) MAP_FIXED also makes flash9 work,
> > >
> I wrote that and I was wrong... it doesnt seem to fix the flash9 problem for me.
> > > a fix for that seems to have been committed (kib 2007-08-20) and also
> > > mfc'd to RELENG_6 by now (kib 2007-09-09), so, can anyone running either
> > > verify that flash9 still crashes for them?
> >
> > Ok I now have a sucess story for RELENG_7 using linux-base-fc4
> > (hi wallshot! :) - he couldnt get it to work with linux-base-f7), and
> > I myself (he tested too) couldnt get it working by merging the RELENG_6
> > commit to 6.2, or by testing a RELENG_6 kernel and linux.ko on 6.2 userland.
> > So it looks like you need 7, and there's still work to be done for the
> > linux 2.6 emulation there also.

I too am confused, if you have flash 9 working in firefox on RELENG_7
please give us a detailed how to there are just a TON of people
looking for this. I have 5 systems I would test it out on right now, 2
of them are teenager computers so they would get a workout on youtube
, among other sites that require flash 8 :)

Sam Fourman Jr.

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