Linux Emulation of svgalib problem and linux devices question.

john carlton thexder2 at
Mon Oct 15 11:47:44 PDT 2007

I have am new to FreeBSD and installed it about a week
ago moving over from Slackware 11.  My problem is I
have a fairly old PC from about 1996 that is 200MHz
and I'm trying to run some svgalib programs under
linux compatibility mode.  I get problems when trying
to run them with messages of devices not present and
also the standard message from svgalib faq of "Not
running in a graphics capable console, and unable to
find one." followed by core dump.  So far I've enjoyed
FreeBSD on my old machine as it runs faster than
Slackware 11 and seems to be more stable.  I've looked
around on the net for about 4 days trying to solve my
problem and found a site that shows how to run one of
the programs I am trying out (linux svgalib Quake2
from id software ftp) which is what I was running on
my linux and I can get Quake2 to run in dedicated mode
but when I want to run a client the svgalib crashes. 
Also I can't get the linux tests like lineart for
svgalib to work with the same error message and core
dump result.  My second question has to do with linux
devices under compat mode.  When I cat
/compat/linux/proc/devices it only shows a null and
also there is no /compat/linux/dev folder in the
linux_base-fc-4_9 distrib I have installed.  Also I am
trying to use svgalib libraries from slackware 9 for
this as they fit the older kernel I think.  The
question is are there supposed to be devices there for
svgalib to work? If so how do I set them up?  If
anyone thinks I am running the wrong svgalib and knows
a way to check it and also if there is a non-x11
console version of Quake2 for FreeBSD I could probably
abandon this completely, but I thought it would be
neat to have as my first linux emulated program.  Any
help appreciated.

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