vmware3 on FreeBSD 6.2 - minor (?) svga problem ... more #2

Gore Jarold gore_jarold at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 20:42:49 UTC 2007

--- Scott Robbins <scottro at nyc.rr.com> wrote:

> On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 09:18:06AM -0700, Gore
> Jarold wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, it seems from further reading that a
> significant
> > piece of information that I previously neglected
> to
> > note is that I am running xinerama.
> > 
> I am finding that after a recent update to my STABLE
> box (I'm not sure
> when) that vmware isn't working for me anymore,
> either.  Googling found
> that some people are having trouble after upgrading
> to 6.2.  The trouble
> is that I haven't used this particular vmware
> installation in so long
> that I'm not sure if this is applicable to me or
> not.  

Well, I am indeed on 6.2-RELEASE.

And yes, the VM does nothing after I get my SVGA
error.  It doesn't ever start.  I can just hit "power
on" again, and it does the same thing.  Never starts
in any capacity.

I have no real need to run VMs in full-screen mode - I
am happy having them in a window (especially when a
1/4 screen window is actually 960x600, which is plenty
large) ... so I am hoping I can just skip all the
trivia related to multi-head and xinerama and
xorg.conf edits ... those only matter if I want to go
full-screen, right ?

What further information can I give to you (or others)
that can help troubleshoot vmware3-on-freebsd6.2 ?

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