linux-compat: problems installing rpm, bunch of .so's missing

Eric P. Scott eps+ques0703 at
Wed Mar 28 20:47:24 UTC 2007

[Alexander Leidinger]
>Now... what about forgetting about the linux wine which comes with
>picasa? Try to use the FreeBSD wine.

At this point we've strayed off-topic, since the original
poster's questions have been answered.  We're now in the realm of

I figure there's got to be a Google product manager who's getting
weekly reports showing download statistics for Windows,
Macintosh, and Linux offerings.  If they're using those to gauge
interest--and allocate development resources accordingly, I don't
see how this helps our cause.

In all fairness, I have to give Google credit for trying to make
the best of a bad situation.  I think we can help send the right
message to the "bean counters" by resolving PR ports/108864 (so
FreeBSD users will contribute to the Google Earth numbers again).


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