freebsd + oracle10xe help wanted

Marcin Cieslak saper at SYSTEM.PL
Fri Feb 2 18:24:55 UTC 2007

Zdrast'ye Andrey,

Please do not write me for support - write to the list instead.

Andrey Lavrentyev wrote:
> Can you tell me, what's better:
> linuxlator from 6.1 + patches for Oracle10XE install
> or
> may be linuxlator from 6.2 already has all russian-commited + patch above

There should be no need to apply extra patches anymore.
But please try applying them with "patch -C" and if you see that they
are already applied, this means you don't need to.

I have no idea what "all russian-commited" means, by the way.

> Another question:
> - which linux[base] ports better for oracle10xe install?

I don't know.
I was using linux_base-fc-4_6. Any newer version should do.

> - besides the linuxlator+patches and linux from ports, oracle10xe
> requirement for installation?

Nothing more.

               << Marcin Cieslak // saper at >>

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