Wine compatibility and performance on FreeBSD 7

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Dec 6 11:11:18 PST 2007

On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 12:59:08PM -0500, Tom Wickline wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have a small blog about running Wine on Unix operating systems and
> over the last couple days I've been
> experimenting with Wine on FreeBSD 7 beta 2 (I see beta 4 is out, many thanks!)
> If anyone here is interested I ran Office 97 and 2000 out of the box
> on FreeBSD 7beta no registry files
> or special hacks needed. Ive also run a couple small applications
> (Qicktime 7.1.6) (IE 5 5.5 6) and then some benchmarks
> 3DMark 2000v1.1, 3DMark2001SE, GL Excess and PC Mark04. In the future
> ill see if I can get 3DMark 2003 and 3DMark 2005
> to run and produce results as well.
> I don't know if any of you guys or gals are Gamers.... But just in
> case I also installed Halo in Wine and it runs about the same
> on FreeBSD as it does on Linux. With D3D, DDraw and OpenGL working
> most every game that is running in Wine should run
> on FreeBSD.. I don't know this as fact as I've only tried one Game and
> four Benchmarks, but it does look promising.
> More info can be found here:
> Wine-Review front Page:


I use to follow your blog since the beginning, I'm happy to see you
"supporting" FreeBSD.

> Office 97/2000:

In September had to play with Office 2k and I followed your linux
related instruction to run it under FreeBSD (I note your FreeBSD related
article is identical to the linux one).  But, I never were able to run
Excel, this one just hangs once the main page is displayed (Word runs
fine).  I wonder if you never met this issue.

Here's what I got in the terminal:
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Received unsupported sockaddr family 0x12
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x10
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x20
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Received unsupported sockaddr family 0x12
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x10
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x20
fixme:storage:StgCreateDocfile Transacted mode not implemented.
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x1320e0 "moniker.c:
RunningObjectTableImpl.lock" wait timed out in thread 0009, blocked by
0000, retrying (60 sec)


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