ports/97488: [repocopy] from linux_base-fc3 to linux_base-fc4

Boris Samorodov bsam at ipt.ru
Fri May 19 11:29:56 UTC 2006

On Fri, 19 May 2006 13:08:17 +0200 Erwin Lansing wrote:
> On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 09:02:50PM +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:

> > If I assign it to portmgr for a repocopy, I'll get the PR back in
> > my lap when the repocopy is done, not netchild at . In the mean time
> > (and sorry for the noise), netchild is old and wise enough to know
> > how to assign this PR back to himself :-)
> > 
> Repocopies are special. There is no real concept of a maintainer as
> after the repocopy, in principle, it's a new port and could have another
> maintainer as the old one. Also, when the PR is assigned to portmgr,
> portmgr will need a committer to sign the PR back to after the repocopy
> is done.

> I'd say, if the PR originator is a committer, just sign it right over to

Maybe to assign it to originator, who'll assign it to portmgr?

> portmgr. If not, assign to the maintainer and/or wait for a committer to
> pick it up.


Boris B. Samorodov, Research Engineer
InPharmTech Co,     http://www.ipt.ru
Telephone & Internet Service Provider

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