missing command in linux emulation

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Tue May 9 18:22:21 UTC 2006

Quoting Sean McNeil <sean at mcneil.com> (Tue, 09 May 2006 09:01:14 -0700):

> On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 12:29 +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> > Quoting Sean McNeil <sean at mcneil.com> (Mon, 08 May 2006 11:52:06 -0700):
> > 
> > > 
> > > I have installed:
> > > 
> > > linux_base-suse-9.3_2
> > > linux_devtools-8.0_5
> > > 
> > > it is missing the /compat/linux/bin/arch command.
> > 
> > Only linux_base-8 and linux_base-fc3 are supported by emulation at . -8 is
> > the current default linux base and fc3 is the upcomming default linux
> > base. Every other linux base port (except one) has no active maintainer
> > and doesn't comply to some "rules" which the linuxolator infrastructure
> > in the ports collection depends upon. There's also no guarantee by the
> > FreeBSD project, that any linux port works with a non-standard linux
> > base port.
> > 
> > Please test with a default linux base port (-8 or -fc3)... I can tell
> > you that fc3 does not come with "arch" either. Please provide a
> > rationale why this program should be included (and what this program
> > does).
> The older java execution script (jdk 1.1.8) uses it to determine the
> subdirectory for libs and other binaries.  It essentially returns the
> same thing as uname -m.  My FC4 system has this command.

The java/linux-blackdown-jre11 comes with a "arch" script for this
purpose. Since 1.1.8 is ... well ... very old and nobody supports it
anymore (security), I suggest to either use the port, or to copy the
script from there to the bin directory. So far this is the only request
for this "uname -m"-wrapper and does not look that important to include
in linux_base. But feel free to come up with reasons why it should be


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