kern/91293: [svr4] [patch] *Experimental* Update to the SVR4 emulation (from NetBSD)

pfgshield-freebsd at pfgshield-freebsd at
Tue Mar 7 09:10:00 PST 2006

--- Kris Kennaway <kris at> ha scritto: 

> > 
> > What is left on the patch at this point are only bug fixes to panics and
> > overflows from the NetBSD port. This is not something I can test on amd64
> and
> > rebuilding a kernel on qemu is painfully slow.
> Unfortunately this makes it unlikely anyone will commit your fixes,
> since they're untested.

They are tested... on NetBSD. In any case it's not easy to find an application
that will exercise a buffer overflow or a fix in sysconf.

I'm actually in no hurry for getting them committed, I'm satisfied that there
IS a patch and someone wanting to work on this will find it easier to catch on.

That said, I will probably try reinstalling 1386 in the future.




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