[PATCH]: set_thread_area() implementation

Boris Samorodov bsam at ipt.ru
Mon Jul 3 20:22:44 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2 Jul 2006 19:29:59 +0200 Divacky Roman wrote:

> I made a patch which implementes set_threa_area() syscall in linux
> emulation layer.

> to test pls apply: www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz/~xdivac02/tls1.patch and
> www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz/~xdivac02/tls2.patch

Great! Those two patches were applied, compiled and installed. After
the reboot -current works fine (tested on i386, I'll try to test them
on amd64 tomorrow if needed).

> This syscall is used for TLS implementation in linux. TLS is used by
> NPTL which currently doesnt run because of missing TID stuff and
> futexes (I am working on it). I am able to pass tls_tst test
> (www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz/~xdivac02/tls_test.c) pls if you can test this

How should I test it?

> do it so Alexander can commit that

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, http://www.ipt.ru Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve

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