Fw: [kris@FreeBSD.org: cvs commit: ports/emulators/rtc Makefile]

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Sat Feb 25 14:50:26 PST 2006

Start weitergeleitete Nachricht:

Datum: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 23:50:06 +0100
Von: Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at Leidinger.net>
An: Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org>
Betreff: Re: [kris at FreeBSD.org: cvs commit: ports/emulators/rtc Makefile]

Am Sat, 25 Feb 2006 17:04:38 -0500
schrieb Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org>:

> > I didn't looked at the pointyhat logs, but I think the problem is the
> > remaining linker.hints file at deinstall time. I solved this with a
> > kldxref (PREFIX/modules is now removed).
> Is it really useful to install into PREFIX/modules in the first place?

Good question. I asked me this too.

There's an old-style rc-script which loads the module at boot
unconditionally. As long as such scripts work (I haven't tested this),
there should be no problem.


            Secret hacker rule #11: hackers read manuals.
http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
  GPG fingerprint = C518 BC70 E67F 143F BE91  3365 79E2 9C60 B006 3FE7
WL http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/registry/1FZ4DTHQE9PQ8/ref=wl_em_to/

                Where do you think you're going today?
http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
  GPG fingerprint = C518 BC70 E67F 143F BE91  3365 79E2 9C60 B006 3FE7
WL http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/registry/1FZ4DTHQE9PQ8/ref=wl_em_to/

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