ports/102034: emulators/linux_base-fc4 library problems with RELENG_6_1

Jim Segrave jes at jes-2.demon.nl
Tue Aug 22 21:48:56 UTC 2006

On Tue 22 Aug 2006 (18:09 +0200), Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Boris Samorodov <bsam at ipt.ru> (from Tue, 22 Aug 2006 18:53:12 
> +0400):
> >>Since the .2 one exists, there should be no .1 or .0 at all.
> >
> >If you ment "...at /usr/src" I'd agree. But not with .1 at
> >/usr/local/lib/compat.
> >
> >>>>  /usr/local/lib/compat/libpthread.so.1  [1]
> >
> >>And this shouldn't be there too.
> >
> >Can't agree with you here, what about misc/compat5x?
> Ugh... yes, you are right. I did see a non-existing "pkg/" in there  
> and didn't thought about compat5x.

As it happens, nothing was referring to /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0, so I
deleted it and now linux ports behave normally, for which I am most

I am puzzled though - /usr/compat/linux/lib/libpthread.0 is installed
as part of linux_base-fc4 and is symlinked to

I thought that the linux emulation, barring abuse of LD_PATH or
LD_PRELOAD would always try to resolve out of /compat/linux/lib or
/compat/linux/usr/lib, so the existence of a FreeBSD libptread.0 would
not have any effect. Why would a linux app ever even see the FreeBSD
library of the same name?

Jim Segrave           jes at jes-2.demon.nl

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