linuxulator blues -- need guidance or tutor for hacking

Georg-W. Koltermann gwk-fbsd at
Wed Apr 26 21:15:52 UTC 2006


I am recently having severe trouble using FreeBSD as a viable platform
for work.  I need access so some commercial software that is only
available for Linux, not FreeBSD.  Some of it worked earlier on, but new
versions all *don't* work.  And I need them for work :-(

Soooo... I think I will try to find some spare time (besides kids) and
try my skills at hacking to make stuff work.  But I'm not a kernel
hacker by any means, so I need a helping hand.  And I also can't make
promises as to how much time I will find.  If it doesn't work out in the
end, I might have to swap FreeBSD for some Linux distro, as much as I
would hate that idea.

So is anybody out there that would be willing to help me fix the
linuxulator to a point where it works for me again?



Version 9.0.1 works, but later versions (specifically 10) abort. The
symptom is that sqlplus, when trying to start the database, prints "lost
contact".  Upon tracing with ktrace you see that it starts up an oracle
process which then fails rather immediately.  The trace file has hardly
useful info:
        *** 2006-04-25 21:41:05.306
        kgepop: no error frame to pop to for error 27141
        *** 2006-04-25 21:41:05.307
        ksedmp: internal or fatal error


Version 2.x and apparently 3.x work, but later versions are nonexistent.
I need to run WinXP which does not want to work with my VMWare2.  I also
sometimes need to run ready-made images for VMWare 5 that are provided
to me.  I currently have QEMU set up which lets me at least run WinXP
for office tasks, but this doesn't solve the problem of running
ready-made VMWare 5 images.  Besides it's quite a bit slower than
VMWare, and also causes strange aborts of the Windows Explorer, e.g.,
from time to time.


That one never worked for me.  However, it becomes more and more
important for my work.  I really need to get it going.

For DB2 the error message is (once you surmount installation, or copy it
from a Linux machine after installation[you need a recent Linux
userland, too]) some internal error code during DB2 instance creation.
No detail information.  If I ktrace it I do see some system calls
failing with EINVAL, though (linux_setitimer, if I recall correctly).

Anyone to help me with these? Anyone that I at least can send emails to
when I get stuck with hacking or simply run out of ideas what I might
try next?


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