Qemu pegging my CPU

Juergen Lock nox at jelal.kn-bremen.de
Mon Apr 10 23:59:51 UTC 2006

In article <8C304818-D731-4226-ACCD-805B986A1F2E at netmusician.org> you write:
>I'm running FBSD 5.4, installed the kqemu-mod and qemu, everything  
>seems to be running fine, except Qemu frequently takes up over 90% of  
>my CPU. Just pinging the server or pinging from the host OS outside  
>of my network results in loss of packets. Occasionally my CPU is so  
>taxed that network requests are stalled or cut out.

Hmm, its not that bad here, maybe you are hitting swap?
>I've given 256 MB RAM to my guest OS (Ubuntu). I believe my computer  
>has 384 MB of RAM. I've tried running Ubuntu with the default 128 MB  
>RAM too.

 Hmm.  Still I'd try add some ram...
>I can't help thinking that there is something simply wrong here. Qemu  
>takes 25% of my CPU just to sit idle. I was under the impression that  
>it is supposed to perform much better? As it stands, VMWare 3.x on  
>the same machine runs far better. Qemu is currently pretty much  
>unusable for me.

 Yes vmware is still faster than qemu i guess, but since you
are running a linux guest you could try -kernel-kqemu, that should
bring it much closer to vmware speed.
>Is this pretty much just the way things are? Should I try running  
>FBSD 6.1 and running Xen?

 I haven't played with xen yet, but it should be faster than qemu.
Note however that there is no working dom0 (host) support for FreeBSD
yet, and afaik the domU (FreeBSD guest) patches are still not in either.
(see http://www.fsmware.com/xenofreebsd/ )

> If so, any guides explaining how to do  
>that? Any general advice? I'd like to move away from VMWare since it  
>seems flakey, instable, and has a questionable future on FBSD.


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