JDK1.5 on FreeBSD 6.x / amd64
Marc G. Fournier
scrappy at hub.org
Mon Apr 10 15:46:06 UTC 2006
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Andreas Krebs <akrebs at chronolabs.de> wrote:
>> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
>>> Most odd .. cd'd to the linux_base directory and it installed fine from
>>> there, so not sure why it failed the first time :(
>> For some reason installing linux_base as a dependency on am64 fails
>> (because it tries to install amd64.rpm). If you install linux_base
>> directly first and java after sucessfull linux installation, it works.
>> Dunno why the other approach doesn't work tho, my guess is that the
>> build process passes the correct, but for linux wrong platform amd64 to
>> some underlying install process.
> Nearly right. bsd.port.mk makes the architecture variable read-only in
> submakes (at least this is the effect of what bsd.port.mk does). The
> linux_base-8 port tries to change this variable but fails.
> Another workaround to the already found one would be to use the new fc3 linux
> base port as the default (OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=fc3 in make.conf), since
> it handles this differently than the default linux base port (which is
> scheduled to be replaced with the fc3 one <some unspecified amount of time>
> after the release of FreeBSD 5.5 and 6.1).
Thx, have made that change now ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: scrappy at hub.org Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
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