Working and broken Linux ports on amd64
Michael Hopkins
michael.hopkins at
Thu Mar 31 03:14:51 PST 2005
Hi all
I have been installing a few Linux environments from the ports in the last
few days to try and establish a cross-compiler for 32-bit Linux on amd64
(see my other post for the story so far).
I thought it might be useful for others on this path to be told about what
works and what doesn't. System is:
root at Athlon ~ # uname -a
FreeBSD Athlon 5.3-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5 #2: Wed Mar 30 01:46:52
BST 2005 root at Athlon:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ATHLON amd64
First steps
First of all, I believe you need to do this as pointed out by Axel Gonzalez.
Add these to the kernel and rebuild:
options COMPAT_43
options COMPAT_LINUX32
and on rc.conf:
linux_base-8 (redhat 8)
linux_base-suse (suse 9.2)
linux_base-debian (debian woody)
All installed OK and gave correct answers to /compat/linux/bin/uname -a
Starting Terminal in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1...
bash-2.05b# make
===> linux_base-gentoo-stage1-2004.3 is marked as broken: Incorrect
Starting Terminal in /usr/ports/devel/linux_devtools-7...
bash-2.05b# make
===> linux_devtools-7.1_3 is marked as broken: Incomplete pkg-plist.
Makes OK but fails on install with a message something like "script error
for glibc-..." - sorry I didn't copy output so that's from memory.
Slackware 10.1
I also followed the instructions from here to try slackware which was
suggested by Ulrik Guenther
Unfortunately the install process didn't happen exactly like on the page:
# sbin/ldconfig
sbin/ldconfig: Can't open configuration file /etc/ No such file
or directory
And all Linux commands gave this error:
# ./gcc -v
ELF interpreter /lib/ not found
Abort trap
Ulrik has just sent me some more detailed instructions, so I may give this
another go.
mkdir /compat/linux
cd /compat/linux
tar xvpzf /somewhere/aaa_base-10.0.0-noarch-1.tgz
sh install/
rmdir dev home root tmp var/tmp
tar xvpzf /somewhere/aaa_elflibs-9.2.0-i486-1.tgz
sh install/
tar xvpzf /somewhere/glibc-solibs-2.3.2-i486-6.tgz
sed -e 's,/sbin/ldconfig,/nonexistent,g' -e 's,cp -a,cp -p,g' -i ''
sh install/
tar xvpzf /somewhere/x11-6.7.0-i486-4.tgz
sh install/
echo '/usr/X11R6/lib' >etc/
brandelf -t Linux sbin/ldconfig
In general
A lot of Linux ports are giving this message which I suspect may not always
be appropriate: only for i386, and you are running amd64.
_/ _/ _/_/_/ Hopkins Research Ltd
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_/ _/ _/ _/ 'touch the future'
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