VMware, AIO, what's up?

Josef Karthauser joe at FreeBSD.org
Sat Mar 5 10:23:30 PST 2005

On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 09:46:47AM -0500, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Josef Karthauser wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >I've downloaded one from http://ftp.cvut.cz/vmware/, but it doesn't
> >work:
> >
> >genius% /tmp/vmware-any-any-update89/update vmware
> >/usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware
> >Updating /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware ... failed
> I would consider feeding this update program a full path rather than two 
> arguments, and/or I would "cd" into /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin before 
> running the update program.

It looks like the tool takes the name of the file and then the path to
the file, like:

    # ./update vmware /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware

The precompiled binary works; the one I made myself from the .c file
fails for some reason.

Ok; I've managed to patch my vmware(3) ok, but now the machine locks
solid when I click the 'run' button.   This is with a new kernel:

FreeBSD genius.tao.org.uk 5.4-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-PRERELEASE #6: Thu Mar  3 09:35:40 GMT 2005     joe at genius.tao.org.uk:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENIUS2  i386

and I've also rebuild vmware and rtc off the same kernel sources.

:( hang == no good. :(

Josef Karthauser (joe at tao.org.uk)	       http://www.josef-k.net/
FreeBSD (cvs meister, admin and hacker)     http://www.uk.FreeBSD.org/
Physics Particle Theory (student)   http://www.pact.cpes.sussex.ac.uk/
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