Patch for emulators/linux_base-8 (was Re: warning)

Ulrich Spoerlein q at
Fri Dec 2 13:56:54 GMT 2005

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> >No. It has to do with pkgdep which blindly takes the path/port defined
> >in the Makefile, even if the binary/lib is coming from a port with a
> >different origin.
> >
> >Most prominent example is ghostscript. If you happen to install
> >ghostscript-afpl and then install something like epstools, it will
> >depend on ghostscript-gnu, not -afpl.
> We have a switch for the ghostscript ports... but I agree with you.

If you're talking about WITH_GHOSTSCRIPT_AFPL, then it's not working as
you might think.

% cd /usr/ports/graphics/epstool

... reading ...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGHH, since when are we checking explicitly for
defined(foo) && foo == yes? I usually set my vars to "true", not "yes".

But anyway, the same problem exists with lynx vs lynx-ssl for example.
And: We have a ghostscript-gpl port too, which isn't even mentioned in

Ulrich Spoerlein
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Ok, which part of "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
didn't you understand?
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