freebsd-emulation Digest, Vol 9, Issue 2

Brian K. White brian at
Thu May 29 14:50:57 PDT 2003

freebsd-emulation-request at wrote:
> Send freebsd-emulation mailing list submissions to
> freebsd-emulation at
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Linux emulation port install failure. (Rob Andrews)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 13:54:17 -0400
> From: Rob Andrews <randrews at>
> Subject: Linux emulation port install failure.
> To: freebsd-emulation at
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> I've been running into a problem with installing the linux base port
> for FreeBSD 4.8.
> The box was originally a 4.7-release install and the linux emulation
> port was installed
> with sysinstall during the initial configuration of the machine.  I
> have since attempted
> to completely deinstall and by hand removed the /compat/linux
> directory tree.
> The package installs correctly if I use sysinstall.  It fails when I
> try to upgrade it via
> the port.  Linux binaries do not run correctly unless I brandelf
> them.  This includes
> the bins installed from the package.
> This is the error I get when attempting to install the port:
> bash-2.05b# make
> ===>  Extracting for linux_base-7.1_4
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/redhat-release-7.1-1.noarch.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/setup-2.4.7-1.noarch.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/filesystem-2.0.7-1.noarch.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/basesystem-7.0-2.noarch.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/termcap-11.0.1-8.noarch.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/db1-1.85-5.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/db3-3.1.17-7.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/gdbm-1.8.0-5.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/glib-1.2.9-1.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/libtermcap-2.0.8-26.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/bash-2.04-21.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/bzip2-1.0.1-3.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/compat-libstdc++-6.2-
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/ncurses-5.2-8.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/info-4.0-20.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/fileutils-4.0.36-4.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/grep-2.4.2-5.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/popt-1.6.2-8.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/readline-4.1-9.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/setserial-2.17-2.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/slang-1.4.2-2.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/sh-utils-2.0-13.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/rpm-4.0.2-8.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/freetype-2.0.1-4.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/XFree86-libs-4.0.3-5.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/glibc-common-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/glibc-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/zlib-1.1.3-25.7.i386.rpm.
>  >> Checksum OK for rpm/libstdc++-2.96-112.7.1.i386.rpm.
> ===>  Patching for linux_base-7.1_4
> ===>   linux_base-7.1_4 depends on executable: rpm - found
> ===>  Configuring for linux_base-7.1_4
> bash-2.05b# make install
> ===>  Installing for linux_base-7.1_4
> kern.fallback_elf_brand: 3 -> 3
> glibc-common-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm
> glibc-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm
> execution of glibc-2.2.4-32 script failed, exit status 0
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The current system revision: 4.8-RELEASE #1: Wed Apr  9 22:28:50 EDT
> 2003
> Does anyone have any information which could help me to fix this
> problem?

I get the same thing.

I have working linux emulation at the kernel/executable level, but don't
have any linux_base installed. (can't!) I have a commercial database/rad
application that I use a lot that comes in several unix versions including
linux and it works perfect. However it's self contained, doesn't need any
shared libraries etc...

I had to brand my linux binaries too, until I learned about setting the
default brand via sysctl.
one of the lines above shows that the make script does this for you just
before it tries to run any linux binary so it shouldn't be a branding
problem. That's what this line was about:
   > kern.fallback_elf_brand: 3 -> 3
(also shows that your default brand was already linux anyways)

I think I will just never ever ever ever have java. :)
I can and do retrieve the latest sources and patches from all the places
that the make script tells me to, but then it still needs something linux,
thats where it always dies.

What the *hell* is the problem with sun anyways that it is so impossible
for anyone to redistribute binaries??? I thought they _wanted_ people to
use it instead of active-x or whatever the teal monster comes up with next
Aside from that, why, if we can download the source, is it still necessary
to have anything involving linux emulation in order to build it anyways?

I've taken several stabs at compiling java, (every few months for the last
year and a half) and I'm no dolt, and I'm no newbie to unix, and in 1 1/2
years I still don't have it. :)

I say the port should just be marked broken so people don't waste their
time thinking "it's in the ports tree, so I should be able to install it
as long as it isn't incompatible with some other port I've already
installed or some other aspect of my machine."

If it does work for some people, then the port is still broken even if all
that's broken is the make script not checking dependancies thoroughly

Brian K. White  --  brian at  --
filePro BBx  Linux SCO  Prosper/FACTS AutoCAD  #callahans Satriani

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