looking for suggestions for a small router/appliance board/SoC

Adrian Chadd adrian.chadd at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 18:11:17 UTC 2015

i have avila/cambria stuff too, but it's old (PCI, no PCIe.)


On 22 October 2015 at 11:06, Jeff Meegan <jeffm at frob.org> wrote:
> I have a couple of Gateworks Avila boards that at least boot.
> On Oct 22, 2015, at 11:00 AM, Adrian Chadd <adrian.chadd at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi!
> The PC engines boards are your best bet to begin with. There's updated
> ARM hardware from Gateworks but I don't recall if we ever got a port
> fully working on it.
> -a
> On 22 October 2015 at 10:57, John Nielsen <lists at jnielsen.net> wrote:
> Hi-
> I’m working on a proof-of-concept for a kind of networking swiss army knife.
> Can anyone suggest a board that meets the following requirements? CPU arch
> doesn’t matter as long as it will run FreeBSD (Atom, ARM, MIPS, etc).
>  - Small form factor (SoC, probably)
>  - Can support at least 2 802.11a/b/g/n adapters, prefer 3 (any combination
> of chip-integrated and mini PCI-e slots. Prefer to avoid USB if possible)
>  - Has or supports at least 2 1GbE ports. Prefer 3-5 ports with switching
> functionality
>  - Storage not super constrained. Built-in storage (if any) can be small
> (which I’m arbitrarily defining as less than 128MB) if there is also an SD
> card slot or similar. USB storage will do in a pinch.
>  - Has at least 2 free USB ports after meeting previous requirements
>  - Serial port or header (or GPIO pins that can be used as one? Not too
> familiar with that)
>  - Low power consumption (within reason taking the above into account)
>  - Low cost (again, within reason)
> I may just start with a PC Engines apu1d, but if there are boards that are
> smaller, cheaper, have lower power requirements and/or have integrated wifi
> or switch capabilities I’d like to look in to them as well.
> I know that might be asking a lot, so I’m also open to any suggestions that
> are most of the way there. Thanks!
> JN
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