CAMBRIA and more than one atheros card

John Hay jhay at
Wed Jul 9 04:46:17 UTC 2014

Hi Guys,

The problem is back / still there. I initially saw the problem during
boot, with the interface configs in rc.conf, but because it is so
mixed with the rest, I took it out and put it in the script, then
after multi-user boot was finished, I did a login and ran the script,
with the output I showed in the initial post.

So I put the interface configs back into rc.conf and I'm seeing the
same problem, here is a cut during boot:

Starting file system checks:
/dev/ad0s1a: clean, 93385 free (33 frags, 11669 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
Mounting local file systems:.
Writing entropy file:.
Setting hostname: tst-cambria-11.
wlan0: Ethernet address: 00:21:a4:35:70:42
wlan1: Ethernet address: 00:21:a4:35:6c:96
ath1: unable to start recv logic
wlan2: Ethernet address: 00:21:a4:32:38:c2
ath2: unable to start recv logic

Looking at the vmstat -z output the 256 Bucket fail is much higher than
if I let it boot to multiuser and then configured the interfaces. It
was in the 6000, while now it is much higher:

Without wlan configs in rc.conf, but configured afterwards:
16 Bucket:               64,      0,      15,     300,    3139,  16,   0
256 Bucket:            1024,      0,      31,       1,     592,6062,   0
vmem btag:               28,      0,    4496,     256,    4496,  32,   0

With wlan configs in rc.conf:
16 Bucket:               64,      0,      16,     299,    8611,  16,   0
256 Bucket:            1024,      0,      26,       6,     773,16928,   0
vmem btag:               28,      0,    4405,      59,    4405,  30,   0

Both of them boot from a ro compact-flash with md /etc and /var, but
they are small 4.3M and 2.1M. I have hacked in the use of tmpfs, but
that did not make a difference.

So where do I look from here?


John Hay -- jhay at / jhay at / jhay at

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