True embedded developing under FreeBSD -- how to install gcc-arm-embedded properly?

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Fri Jan 17 20:38:35 UTC 2014

Hello, Freebsd-embedded.

 I want to program Coretx-M devices (STM32 and Tiva C ones) under FreeBSD.

 Is here any proper way to install gcc-arm-embedded ()? It is
"arm-none-eabi" in theory, but all Linux guides suggest to install it from and not from "vanilla" binutils/gcc
source. And all guided has instructions how to install these tools from
sources, but it includes compiling gcc TWICE (!), with building newlib
in-between. I cannot see these two compilations in "devel/cross-gcc" port.

 So, my questions are:

(1) Is `devel/arm-eabi-gcc' (effectivly `devel/cross-gcc') is Ok?

(2) Is here any plans to update cross-gcc to latest 4.8.x?

(3) Is here any proper way to packetize/portify gcc-arm-embedded toolchain
by receipts from gcc-arm-embedded project? I don't see any obious way to
build gcc twice in one port (wth newlib / dietlibc in between), for example.

(4) Is here any interest to have "proper embedded toolchain" port? By
"proper embedded toolchain" I mean package which will include binutils + gcc
+ libc in ONE package, as it is conventional in embedded world, where it is
not common to update separate parts of ooolchain separately.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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