Routerboard RB800

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at
Wed Oct 9 21:51:17 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:35 AM, John Clark <jeclark2006 at> wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2013, at 1:31 AM, Adrian Chadd <adrian at> wrote:
> Make sure you're building the right base kernel config before tweaking.
> This indicates it's an AR7241. So, start with the AP91 or AP99 kernel
> configs. Try building that and tftpload/boot'ing it.
> Thanks for the hint… with a bit of hook and crook, I was able to build a
> bootable kernel, a compressed mfsroot, and it appears that
> the kernel does find the compressed image, but then when it attempts to run
> 'init', it gives a list of attempted paths… and finally death.

If you've used Adrian's wifi build scripts, your diffs against it and
boot-up logs might be a good start.


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